Lozano Boxing and Jiu-Jitsu has several programs for students of all ages and skill level, from beginners to advanced students. Lozano Boxing has several programs to choose from:
Everyone can learn Gracie Jiu-Jitsu®, but only if it is taught properly. We have gone to great lengths to develop tailored programs for each demographic, including Gracie Bullyproof® for children (ages 5–12), Gracie Combatives®, for adult beginners, and the Master Cycle®, for experienced practitioners. In contrast, the majority of BJJ schools have adopted a “one-size-fits-all” approach to teaching the art. Each program follows a predetermined curriculum, so students are well aware of what to expect in class. Every student receives an attendance card, which we use to keep track of daily progress. This way, students can see how far they’ve come and what is required of them to advance to the next level. In a martial art where dissatisfaction and bafflement are particularly prevalent. We’ve taken great care to make sure you’ll appreciate the highly-structured and supportive environment only available at Certified Gracie Jiu-jitsu Training Centers® like Lozano Boxing & Jiu-Jitsu!
Coach Johnny will teach you the fundamentals of boxing such as proper stance, punching, and basic footwork. Once you mastered all the basics then we can move on to more advanced training such as counter-punching drills, changing levels with punching, angles, strategy, and ring generalship
This Certified Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Training Center is independently owned and operated. Gracie Jiu-Jitsu®, Gracie Combatives®, Gracie Bullyproof®, Women Empowered®, and Certified Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Training Center®, are registered trademarks used under license from Gracie University.